Giant Bomb

12 March 2008

ASUS To supply my next desktop too?

ASUS announced the stylish and powerful Essentio CS5110 - a silent-running multimedia PC with Intel Core2 Duo processing, 250-500GB of storage, up to 4GB of RAM, a 256MB nVidia 8600 GT (Not the finest card ever, but capable) and a blue-glowing (Wii-style) slim slot-loading Blu-Ray optical drive.

No word on pricing, but if the price is right, this beauty, or an updated variant of it:

Will undoubtedly be the replacement for my aging Dell Dimension 5150.

I had considered a Mac Pro, but I'll be paying for it with EMA and I do want to, you know, buy it before 2012.

Jens Out

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