Giant Bomb

16 December 2007

Some of you are likely to consider me late to this party, but please indulge me. I recently joined, mostly for the purposes of tracking playing statistics, something I find myself oddly interested in.

A while ago, I used My iTunes to place an artists widget on the sidebar of this place, you might have seen it. It broke. I couldn't be bothered to fix it. And so, I went back to having no music widget. Then, as I described above, I got

And I placed the Album Quilt in the sidebar to replace the old Artists Widget. I was pleased with it, it's nice and graphical. It does its job well.

I'm also adding a Recently Listened Tracks widget and Top Artists Overall. kicks ass.


1 comment:

Peter said...

WordPress Trackback from Das Blog []
And by the way, for those of you into online music, my friend Paul has a good article on Last.FM you might want to read.